Not Here For Hookups! A Guide to Finding Quality Men on Dating Apps without Compromising YOU!【電子書籍】[ AJ Nelson ]

Not Here For Hookups! A Guide to Finding Quality Men on Dating Apps without Compromising YOU!【電子書籍】[ AJ Nelson ] Not Here For Hookups! A Guide to Finding Quality Men on Dating Apps without Compromising YOU!【電子書籍】[ AJ Nelson ] Not Here For Hookups! A Guide to Finding Quality Men on Dating Apps without Compromising YOU!【電子書籍】[ AJ Nelson ]

<p>DISCOVER: Why Do Some People Seem to Have All the Luck With Dating Apps, While Others Continue to Be Disappointed?<br />Having trouble finding Mr. Right on Tinder? You aren't alone! The primary reason most women aren't successful in finding worthwhile men on dating apps is because they fail to set themselves apart from the competition. Or more commonly, they set themselves apart for all of the wrong reasons.</p><p>If you closely examine some of the most successful women on Tinder, Bumble, or other popular dating apps (as I have done while researching this book) you'd see that they all find ways to take their idiosyncrasies and even their flaws and accentuate them to create more engaging profiles that men go absolutely ga-ga over.</p><p>START TODAY::Have More Success Matching with Quality Guys That Want to Date YOU!</p><p>In "Not Here for Hookups!" you'll learn how to create more compelling profile experiences for your potential matches to gawk over on any dating app. No longer will you have to think twice about whether your photos or bios are sending the right message. Instead, you'll know exactly what pitfalls to avoid and what strategies to employ to attract men that are worth meeting in person, and you'll do so without compromising those special, individual traits that make you YOU!</p><p>Success with dating apps can be simple as long as you know the rules. And the rules in this book are tried and tested. Inside, you'll discover the proven strategies to help you get the most out of your dating app matches, and waste less time with duds.</p><p>DOWNLOAD: Not Here for Hookups! - A Guide to Finding Quality Men on Dating Apps without Compromising YOU!</p><p>"Not Here for Hookups" contains a step-by-step blueprint for finding better guys and better dates with apps like Tinder, Happn, Bumble, and more!</p><p>Inside this guide you'll learn how to:<br />* Avoid the most common mistakes women make with their dating profiles</p><p>* Craft a spectacular bio guaranteed to pique interest and engage the reader</p><p>* Spot creep and pick up artist cues right away when browsing profiles online using the patented Tinder Zodiac</p><p>* Match with smarter, more successful men that want to date YOU!</p><p>Dating apps are not just for hook ups any longer! You just need to know how the game is played! Finally, there's a guide for women that does just that!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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